Wednesday 3 May 2017

Looking back

Now that we're well in to our second year here on the smallholding, I am taking the time to look back to see what we were doing this time last year, to learn from, to replicate, to reminisce and to spur me on. Running this blog is a fantastic way of doing this.
I'm ahead with my tomatoes this year, by a good 4 weeks I'd say as the flowers didn't come until 12th May time frame.

We had the 5 goslings plus Ryan hatch and we lost 1 of them as is the nature of the beast.  This year has been cruel and we lost our only one.  The mother is still sitting on another clutch but I don't think they will be any good as she left them when the gosling arrived and went back when it died.
As we did last year, we'll let nature take it's course for so long and when we feel we should, we'll remove the eggs so she can go about her business again.  She's been sat for the full time already and it really takes it out of mother geese as they don't eat and drink as much as normal and seem to lose quite a lot of weight when sitting.
We have harvested rhubarb earlier in the year this year as I bought the early variety which was worth it.  I am going to get more too as it is simply divine and you can do so much with it.  I think we're also harvesting the old rhubarb earlier too as we've had it all through April, so that may be down to the crazy mild Winter we've had of 2016 season.  It's amazing the speed with which the rhubarb grows.  One day it's small and unappealing and the next day it's enormous and has you frantically searching all of the recipes for different tips and tricks.

The hard work we put into the veg bed soil last year paid off no end and the lasagne method I used on the weeds worked a treat.

One thing I learnt from last year is that the asparagus goes crazy very quickly so I am trying to stay on top of it.  We've already had 6 meals from it, so I plan to start to do alternative things with it shortly.

We're continuing to have people come for the rotted horse muck, something which is worth thinking more about for next year.  Also our eggs are continuing to be a hit with people buying them.  We had a guy come for some muck at the weekend and took a 30 tray with him!  He must really like his eggs!

I do like to look back to see what we and others were doing this time last year, and I'll be using this post for this time next year too!
Does anyone know what the below is?


  1. That looks like Angelica to me.

  2. Hi Tracy looks like lovage. It is edible and can be used in salads and
    as a cordial which is good with brandy for an upset tummy. Very soothing.the seed and the stems can be used If you google it Hugh Fearnley zehittingstall has some nice ideas on how to use. I have a plant to pop in my herb border. Hope this helps. Tricia

    1. Thank you. I'm going to compare all results and try to decide which we think it is. Love Hugh! X

  3. Tracy

    If you want to learn more about herbs generally it might be worth you checking out a blog called Tales of a Kitchen Herbwife written by Sarah Head. She runs training courses but she is further ip the country nearer to you than me. Sarah has helped me a lot over the years and I trust her common sense and details on how to use the different herbs both grown and gathered from the wild and ideas on how to use them. Hope this helps. Tricia x

    1. I will take a look that's great thanks x

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I have been looking back as well, I was later getting things started this year and its all coming on great although we need some rain badly unlike last year when it was so wet

    1. It is ridiculously dry here and colder than it was which although is nice not to be wet through, is a pain when nothing's growing as well

  6. Can't help with the plant query I'm afraid. We all love looking back to see how we did previously don't we? Your manure and eggs have been a good little earner for you and I'm sure they'll continue to be. I have been concerned about my sweetcorn but in checking back I can see they weren't looking anything like they should be doing before May 22 so I have time yet! Yes, a bit more rain would be useful, but just at night time please!

    1. If we could decide when and how much rain to get that would be useful lol. My corn seems to have stunted its growth x

  7. I've been making jams with rhubarb, and have a recipe for a BBQ sauce that is amazing too. I make it with my homemade ketchup. I am making rhubarb pulled pork tonight. I can always freeze my diced rhubarb to make jam later in the winter when I have more free time too.

    1. I will check out your BBQ sauce recipe thank you and I think jam will be on the cards tonight once the jobs are done. Love the idea of making jam in the winter. I might start a Christmas collection in the big freezer actually. Thanks for he idea! X

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Gill! I'll check between that and Angelica as suggested by everyone


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