
Wednesday 16 March 2016

Homemade bread

I have posted before about home made bread and no doubt I will again, many times. I love it. It smells divine.
I haven't been pulling my weight where bread is concerned for this last week or two with one of us always seeming to be out of sorts so tonight I rectified that and popped a large white loaf in the breadmaker. I chose a dark crust but will go back to medium next time. I also sneakily went for white as it doesn't take as long to bake but truth be told, I prefer it over the wholemeal. I know it's not as good for you but I don't care tonight as I am feeling the need for indulgence.
Day 3 of incubator 2 for my records :).


  1. Mmmm, homemade bread! Delicious! I haven't made any for ages, or at least about seven months anyway ;)

    1. lol. The smell is enough to put a smile on my face. x

  2. We love homemade bread with a passion & last week I made a French bread loaf - it was truly amazing & worth the wait (it's a 6 hour programme). I am an avid follower of your excellent blog & I'm truly impressed with how much you have achieved in such a short time. Keep up the good work!!

    1. Thank you, very kind of you to say so :) 6 hour bread programme! Intrigued....and hungry now!

  3. I love white bread too and a bit of what you fancy does you good lol

    1. It really does, especially as DD came down with earache again last night, so we all need lots of what we fancy I think!
