
Thursday 10 March 2016

Winter ailments and roaring fires

My daughter wasn't well this morning which is very unlike her and ended up staying home from school. By lunch time she was a lot better. The photo I took first thing this morning when I realised that in full health or when we feel poorly, we all gravitate towards the Aga.
Then tonight whilst working for an hour and waiting for tesco to arrive we were sat in front of a roaring fire, something I do love about this time of year.


  1. Aww, your poor daughter. Hope that she is much better soon. I can totally see the appeal of the aga whether well or sick! xx

    1. The aga really is the heart of the home. I love it.

  2. The kitchen they say is the heart of the home, our Rayburn is on 24/7 and we spend most time in the kitchen area, the log burner gets lit in the evening, lovely fireplace, hope your daughter is back to normal again soon, there are so many bugs and viruses going round

    1. Do you have your ray burn on in the summer dawn? We love the open fire and try to remember to put it on by tea time so we benefit from it.

  3. Oh glad she is feeling better. My youngest is off today for a second day. He had a temp of 38.9 at 5am but a bit better now. I love my kitchen and I love my blue Rayburn. It has always been a dream of mine to have an Aga or a Rayburn. Ours is on low 24 7 and I love putting things in it and cooking low and slow.

    1. You can't beat low and slow. I think I will stick with low in the summer. Hope your small one is picking up

  4. Hope your daughter is much better, you can't beat a roaring fire, as a child it was all the heating we had, so we were too hot in front and always a cold back, but we loved sitting on the floor.

    1. I still love sitting on the floor even now, in front of a roaring fire

  5. Glad to hear your daughter was feeling better later in the day, it's so horrible when your children are ill isn't it.
    The fire looked lovely, what a nice way to spend a family evening infront of it

    1. One thing this new house has done is brought us together for more family time. Lovely.
