
Monday 11 April 2016

April showers

Today has been a lovely and sunny day up  until tea time when the wind and rain started.
It gave us more than enough time to ride the ponies out and get a couple of outside jobs done. Grace and I gave both ponies a good groom before going in for tea and a little baking session. I made some flapjacks which more often than not I forget I have put them in the oven (yes I used a timer and still manage to forget) and tonight was no different. They are mostly still edible but I could kick myself. I always do that with rice pudding too!
Looking out from the front of the farmhouse, we have some new additions in the field. They are not ours I hasten to add, but it's lovely to watch these cows frolicking around although the horses weren't keen on them!
Finally before bed time, Ste made jelly with the kids which I am sure they will enjoy tomorrow when it is set.


  1. Our day was in reverse rain then it cleared in the afternoon, I use the timer on my phone its usualy in my pocket otherwise I forget what is in the oven :-)

  2. Good idea. My phone is attached to me to snap all the photos so we don't miss a minute
