Thursday 28 April 2016

Where have I been!!

Good evening all, I am back!
I haven't meant to take time off but last week I devoted to studying for the exam that I had coming up, which I promptly failed. Again! I was gutted to say the least. I have spent a lot of hours to studying but obviously it just wasn't enough on the day. I am undecided as to what I will do, ie resit it or leave it. It's an exam thay would further my work (potentially) but I don't need it right now so I am doing no harm taking my time.
So that is behind me. Moving swiftly on, we've had pretty much a week of dry days followed by some really hard frosts. I think Jack Frost has killed off some tomato plants but I will wait and see what happens. Their leaves have turned purple which I am told is a telltale sign. Yesterday and today we have been back to the rain that we had a couple of weeks ago. Seriously, I don't know what's going on with this weather.
No goslings yet though I did get a sneaky peek at the eggs when she went for a brief wander around. It shoukd be in the next 5 days that we have goslings. The ducks are starting to sit on their eggs too.
My son is well and truly getting into the egg collecting and using his initiative to do it. The horses have had a nice few days out and the hens are laying well. We did lose one of our rescue girls sadly. She went downhill rapidly and went of her own accord. Very sad but part of it I guess.
The rest of the rescue hens are learning to get out of the rain and starting to act and look like normal hens.
We also have harvested our first rhubarb and I used it in a cake which went down well.


  1. Sorry about your exam, you have had a lot to do with moving and all the changes, so I hope that next time life will be less busy so you will pass with flying colours. Enjoy your rhubarb, nothing like homegrown is there!

    1. I love the fact we got to eat something from home, it is THE best feeling which I will never underestimate.

  2. oh what a bummer, I am a great believer in these things happen for a reason, pick yourself up dust yourself off and start all over again, the loss of a chicken is all part of it at least she ended her days being free and out doors,

  3. Sorry about the exam, Tracy, and your hen. I can't wait until we can plant some rhubarb here.

    1. Ah thank you. Ours has taken off!!! It's amazing. I will harvest some more again soon, need to think what to do with it!

  4. Don't worry about the exam you'll get through it in the future I'm sure. I love that scarf hat. I removed the rhubarb flower last week. I'll be picking. Some rhubarb Thu weekend too.

    1. My son loves the scarf hat too, he'd wear it all year round and to bed if I allowed it! Ohh never heard of rhubarb flower? What am I missing?


week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17