Monday 5 September 2016

Nature's morning

Today was the start of a back to school and work, normal week.  Although school started last week, they were only there two days so I don’t think the teachers do too much with them, knowing that the kids are so excited to see each other again. 

So we have our new routine back in place, getting any homework done as soon as we get in whilst I finalise tea.  The kids and I sit together in the kitchen and complete everything that’s needed, pack the backs back up for the next day and then they are free to enjoy themselves, which includes getting some jobs done on the smallholding of course.  This includes collecting the eggs, filling the feeders up or changing the water.  The horses usually need doing although they are living in the field at the moment so apart from ride and keeping the field poo free, there’s not a lot of jobs to do there.

Can you believe we haven’t picked any brambles yet?  Maybe you can if you haven’t had any yourself.  I was so sure the masses of bushed that are around us would be heavy with brambles but their fruit is so small that you don’t get a bramble off it, it’s really not worth the pickings.  I think we may need to venture to our old bramble spot and get a few tubs full for the freezer.

Speaking of which, we’re going to buy a new freezer this week and hopefully get it delivered at the weekend.  Our kitchen freezer simply isn’t big enough for what we are going to need.  Soon enough we should have some whole chickens and a goose ready to be froze too, which definitely won’t fit in the kitchen freezer.  I’d also like to stock up on some milk as we’re very sporadic in how much we use.  I’m looking at getting a tall upright, opposed to a chest freezer as although I like the thought of the chest freezer, I often hear about people scrabbling around in them having to shift everything from the top to get to the thing they need at the bottom etc.

My husband spoke to the farmer we’re getting our new additions from and we’re told they should be with us shortly so fingers crossed I can post about them soon.

We’re due a lovely week of weather here in the North East and although I’m at work, I’m going to get out and make the most of it by finishing off those jobs in the greenhouse and veg plot that we started a few days back.  Then I need to start thinking about moving some of our rotted manure to the beds that will be sitting empty until Spring and covering them over to keep them protected and weed free.  I’ve also started a drawing for what’s going where in the veg plot for 2017 summer harvest, so I’ll take a picture of the drawing and share it with you this week once I have finished it.
Finally, the most important part of this post.  My kids were chatting amongst themselves this morning and Jack made a comment, I didn’t hear it, but Grace’s response was “the morning’s don’t belong to us Jack, they belong to nature” and although she may not have meant it how I ended up thinking of it.  She’s so right, it will carry on without us, we’re just here to enjoy the ride.  So let’s enjoy every minute – I’m so thankful that we’re getting to do what we love.  Happy Monday everyone J


  1. We have lots of nice big brambles around here, I havent picked any yet, We have 2 chest freezers and 1 upright I dont have a preference since keeping an inventory I know were everything is, I have just been out this morning and bought some rolls of wed membrane had a voucher for the garden center I had in mind covering over the beds as they are cleared.

    1. That's good to know. I'm going to see if I can get one for free first before buying so I may not have a choice.

  2. We have picked lots of blackberries. I have 1lb in the freezer for a later date so we don't run out. Our weather is ish for the coming week but Thursday is supposed to be lovely so need to make the best of that - I have a plan to wash and dry outside the boys' water proofs ready for whatever amongst other things no doubt. I''ve started to think about next year, too. VERY exciting!

    1. I have blackberry envy! It's a lovely feeling thinking about next year isn't it?

  3. I have been picking too. I aim to do some more tomorrow. My thoughts have turned to next year to and the preparation I want done to ensure good crops from my garden. Putting nutrients back into the soil and building some net cages to keep the pesky cabbage white at bay!!!!

    1. Net cages are a great idea, I need to give that some more though too.

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