
Thursday 8 September 2016

Night time visitor

I don’t think I have mentioned yet, but I am having a kind of detox September.  I’m not drinking alcohol, trying to eat cleaner than I normally might, cutting right back on the sugar intake and so on.  My theory that I am working towards is that if it isn’t or can’t be produced by nature, it doesn’t get eaten.  Yes you can pull this thought to bits, saying wine if from grapes etc but I am not going down that route.  As I said to a friend, if it doesn’t feel right, it won’t be. I’m eating salad dressing still and drinking cordial as that helps me get my salad and water intake.  I really do think that eating seasonally and home grown lends itself to this way of thinking anyway and as we cut out more and more shop bought food, it will happen automatically.  I’m just giving myself a bit of a boost.
I am sleeping better already.  I used to lay in bed and read for a hour before I went to sleep, often falling asleep with the book in my hand.  It would be 11pm before I got to sleep which is too late for me during the week.  So now I’m having a warm shower, getting into bed and going to sleep.  I’ve slept great this week apart from last night when the puppies heard something and started barking!
Steven’s doing it too, though with slightly different requirements.  He’s training to build up and I’m hoping to slim down (1 stone 5lb or so would be nice)!
With this in mind I was excited to receive the latest veg box which contained all sorts of healthy goodies.  We had half of the peppers in last night’s tea and the salad was mostly used in today’s lunches for work.  That leaves the spinach, borlotti beans, some onions, broccoli and courgettes for the next few days.  I’ve also been given courgettes so I am going to nip over to a couple of blogs to see how they’ve frozen them as I don’t want to waste them.  Also the borlotti beans look almost dried out, so I’m wondering if I need to soak them.  I’m sure I’ve read that they store very well.
When I locked up last night, I had another friend waiting for me, this time a hedgehog!  Do you remember the toad that jumped out on me before?  Well this little guy scared the life out of me as it was dark and I didn’t expect him to appear in my torchlight.  He was adorable!  I’m so pleased to know we have hedgehogs living with us, they need looking after!


  1. Good for you, I am not a drinker perhaps one every few years, I certainly feel better with the healthier eating now

    1. Thank you. I'm definitely feeling better for it already. Fridays (tonight) are the hardest. It's habit that's why.

  2. I'm hoping my weight sorts itself when I retire and not going shift work. Meal times and sleep will be normal once again! I don't drink very much ad I acts as a stimulant and keeps me awake.

    1. You'll be retired now! Congratulations! It's a good point about it acting as a stimulant. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. We love our family of hedgehogs who visit most nights, they feed on any brig food dropped down the garden near our greenhouse, our security lights come on when they are in the garden so we get to watch them. It must be an age thing with drink at most I only have a couple of glasses of red wine. I'm struggling with my weight, but on the whole it's not increasing.

    1. Red wine is my drink of choice but after 2 Friday's without I am managing very well. My weight is stagnant, I suppose it could be worse!
