
Thursday 29 June 2017

Shearing sheep saga but a bit of smallholding luck

For those of you who don't know, I'll admit it. We tried to shear our own sheep a weekend or two ago. We read up on it, ordered electric shears and watched lots and lots of YouTube videos, so we were totally prepared, right? Wrong!! So, so wrong.
It was due to be very hot on the Saturday onwards, so on the Friday after work we put the horses out in the fields to free up the stables, where they all had a good roll and enjoyed the sun on their backs.

We herded the sheep into the stables where we had the gear set up. Ste decided which one we were to do first and put her on her back in the correct position. She fought, she wasn't supposed to do that. We must have something wrong. So we adjusted, and she settled. Off we went. "Shoot", the shears don't glide through like they do on YouTube. We percivere and lose about 10 litres of water though sweat. After what feels like 2 hours but in reality is 20 minutes, we give up as we're stressing her and us.
We resorted to manual shears and the sheep standing on all 4 legs! She stood better that way. I think we did a grand job but turns out not haha!

We fear her friends were laughing at her, so we put a cry for help out. 

We are so lucky that a friend of ours responded that same night, only 2 hours later, she and her lovely husband turned up with clippers who know what they were doing! He does it for a living and had just finished his flock.

He did our 3 in no time and I am pleased to say we have an agreement for the next few years too!
In another stroke of luck, we had a couple of beers afterwards and they offered us their tup called Charlie for use at home before they use him on theirs!! This is amazing news for us and goes to show what a bit of friendship and luck can do for us smallholders.


  1. You are really starting to 'homestead network' which is brilliant. So we may be looking at even more sheep/lambs in the future. I did have a little giggle to myself though!

    1. That's really nice of you to say - makes me all warm and fuzzy inside! Yes, definitely hoping to expand, these 3 we have are to be mammy sheep and their offspring will be for meat :)

  2. Dare I say "should have gone to spec savers! x

    1. Oh 100% should say that - we didn't know how bad it was until the pro came in! x

  3. I did laugh when you first showed us but well done for trying,

    1. haha, got to be able to laugh at yourself otherwise it'd be a long and boring life

  4. Sorry I laughed too. It cheered me up though after a bit of a long day at work. You two are game for anything well done. I am not sure that I would be so brave and your poor sheep sporting the latest punk look! Glad you found an expert. Is Ste taking lessons from your friend next year but glad you have come to an arrangement. Especially as it looks as you have plans to increase the flock. What are you going to do with the fleeces are you going to cure them and use them in the house. Sheepskin rugs would be cozy in the bedroom come winter! Take care


    1. Me too, do not fear! lol. Sorry to hear your day turned out to be a long one.
      Yes, we will throw ourselves in feet first sometimes as it's the only way. The Pro showed us how to do it this year and it is something that would only come with practice. He only charged £10 so I feel £10 is more than worth it each year. The fleeces are just wool, no hide, so Ill wash them and try my luck with something for sure. The skeepskin rug will be lovely when we get hides (is skin on) and yes, very cosy! xx

  5. Oh chic this made me laugh, just thinking about what you were attempting. Bless you for giving it a go. Great to be able to make such a useful contact in the process, though!x

    1. It's all about trial and error right? LOL! Plus think of the memories and the stories to tell when I've got grandkids! :D x
