Wednesday 30 September 2020

Days spent in the vegetable plot

The nights are drawing in and we're seeing the veg plot slow down.  This was one of our cabbage spots this year, I hope to have more cauli and purple sprouting broccoli early next year, which is just off the picture here.

I am super proud of the cabbages I've grown this year, there's actually enough to last us until the Spring cabbages come through which I am thrilled about.

Yes, this picture is posed, but the man LOVES his home grown raspberries - these have never let us down, every year they are prolific.  I'm going to take some cuttings off them when I find out how!

Grace took this beautiful photo of one of the sweet pea colours we have.  Simply fabulous.

These are the long purple podded climbing beans that were a bit of a last minute addition.  In no time at all they have gone crazy and snapped the canes that I put in to support them.

Grace and Jack sometimes help out too.  Can you see Jack?

The scarlet kale below is prolific but I have a reservation!  The leaves are so curly that creepy crawlies hide in them easily and they're a pain to clean.  I'll see what flat leaf varieties I want to grow for next year I think.

Here's to the last few days where the veg plot looks green and lush, before the frosts nip their leaves and the ground goes to rest for the Winter.


  1. It all looks delicious. They are prize winning cabbages for sure. Do raspberries not put out runners that you can dig up? That's what I've always pulled up and moved or given away.

    1. The cabbages are slowly being eaten and are delicious. That's a great point on the rasps, yes loads of runners - they are thugs! Do you just root those? Do you use anything special?

  2. Chic, your cabbages are simply fabulous. Do you still have many sweet peas left, mine were pants this year mainly because I was just so late sowing them!! Well done with the purple beans! I have had a similar issue with a couple of my kale plants so at times I've picked it before it get really really curly then less nasties. I'm sort of looking forward to putting the garden to sleep for the winter and concentrating on the poly tunnel - talking of which can't wait to see when you get a new one!xx

    1. Hi Lou, sweet peas are done now really, one of two refusing to give up. More to go in for October hopefully. They are so pretty, smell divine and good for the bees as you know, what's not to like. I think we may wait another year for the new PT but we will see what next year brings.


week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17