Sunday 13 March 2016

Spring is here!!!

What a beautiful day. Doesn't the sun on your back put a spring in your step? It lifts my mood, makes me feel healthy and generally makes everything feel easier. The longer, lighter days make me feel less rushed. Today felt like we had all the time in the world and I have discovered that is a truly wonderful feeling.

We spent the afternoon as a family in the vegetable plot, weeding, sowing, discovering and generally having fun. Our daughter grace who is 9 played mum. She brought us drinks to quench our growing thirst and cookies to plug the hunger gap. Our son, jack, dug holes for England whilst Steven and I weeded and tidied. Everyone was happy and then jack  summed it up perfectly by saying "it's lovely when we are all together isn't it?" Never a truer word spoken.

We planted cauliflower and broccoli outside in the brassica bed and peas and broad beans in the legumes bed (check me out!).

This weekend say us take ownership if another 20 fertilised eggs. 3 weeks today and we will have the next round of chicks. The first lot are thriving and amazing us daily by how quickly they are growing. Their laying days will be here before we know it. Those that are boys will serve us up some good Sunday lunches we hope.

Needless to say the geese still aren't laying!  They do however have a new and exclusive pond! Steven has dug a hole,  lined it with pond liner and made them a little place at the side to get in and out. Their apple shaped plastic pond is now empty and awaiting its next owners ;)

Unfortunately we still have lurgy floating around the household but we are determined to shake it off this week. We're due a week of no rain and maybe even a little sun so what better weather to shift the last of the colds and lurgies.

The horses have spent some lovely time out this weekend and enjoyed every minute. We're sorting their new paddock out with electric fence over the next week so that makes life easier for me as they can all go out together (currently split boys and girls).

Also a lovely lady over on househoarder had finally got the keys to her croft in Scotland. I can't wait to read all about it over the coming months. Congratulations Caroline and hubby.

Plans for this week are make homemade laundry liquid, electric fence the small paddock, prick out latest tomato seeds, plant more seeds, build new home for next arrivals, train puppies off lead....hmm.  Ahh, I love this life :):)


  1. A lovely family day outside in the sunshine nothing better, our day has been spent outside as well.

    1. It makes you feel so much better doesn't it.

  2. a perfect sounding day to me :) I've had a much needed chill day, the most ive done is make tomato soup and put out laundry haha xx

    1. That is still a lot more than many people will do! xx

  3. It was wonderful to spend the weekend in the garden, I had two nights of sound sleep and am up and ready for round three.

    1. Now you mention it, I've slept better too (in between dealing with sick kids!).

  4. Thank you for the link, much appreciated!

    1. Your blog is great, good things should be shared :)

  5. What a fantastic time had by all. We have the brilliant sunshine in Essex but the wind is freezing!

    1. Luckily there wasn't any wind at the weekend. DD even sunbathed (in winter clothes, granted) on one of the veg plots covers!

  6. Sounds like the perfect weekend! Hope your lurgy has gone now. I noticed you write the date on your eggs, same as me :)

    1. We do! Unfortunately not re the lurgy - fed up of it. Went to docs for DS who has strep throat but I didn't get checked out. I was too worried about him that I didn't think to ask about me!


week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17