Easter Monday! I hope everyone managed to do what they planned to do. Ours has been a busy old day. We started off by seeing if this one had any more joining it.

I came back in to find Grace had dressed Nettle in one of her teddy’s tops! I must admit it looks cute! She didn’t leave it on though in case it was too warm or restrictive.
On Saturday, I nipped to Aldi and saw they have in their usual soft fruit collection and despite trying to avoid them, I picked up 3 new raspberries which all looked very healthy. I’ve now got to find somewhere to plant them as my soft fruit bed is full!

On the evening Nettle had found her place in the home and was accepted as one of the pack. Always a relief when you know everyone is relaxed with each other.

Back to today and we went to my friends farm which is a 10 minute drive away. She was hosting an Easter egg hunt for the kids (and adults!). The rain was persistent and didn’t let up at all. However no one let that dampen their spirits and we all went off in search of the hidden eggs! The kids all found something and had a blast! We then warmed up round her fire.

We stayed a couple of hours before heading home to feed the lambs. They’re still being bottle fed as mama ewe isn’t producing enough milk for them. We can see where Nettle gets her smile from, look:

Ste and I decided to put a heat lamp up as it is freezing or below overnight still and the little lad seemed to be shivering on and off.

I managed to get loads of seeds sown yesterday and today. I must have 15 different varieties of tomatoes. I used Victoriana nurseries and read seeds for the most part. They both sell heritage seeds which I love. Also the seed can be saved from any of the seeds I’ve bought from them. So once the fruits are ready, I’ll see how well I can save each type.
I also sowed cucumbers, peppers, chillis, sunflowers, peas in drainpipes (can’t have to many peas!), lettuce (chickens will have these and sunflowers) and the squash below. I’ll see what germinates. They’re all in the greenhouse heated where needed. Fingers crossed we’ve seen the last of the frosts, but I don’t feel we’re in the clear until May really.

The kids then unpacked their Easter goodies from grandparents. How lovely are these mug and bowl set?

We’ve had lots of people ask to come and see the lambs, isn’t it nice how things can bring us all together.

Ste is back to work for the next 4 days and I’ve got lots of smallholding tasks on the go. The kids are spending most of the week here with some days planned with grandparents. Everything will work around when the lambs come though. We’re also re fitting a bathroom (we being Ste) and planning where to start outside once the rain stops! Lots going on and I’ll share all of it with you. Thanks for reading.