I'm back :) We've been extremely busy with one thing and another, so I thought it was time to dust the blog off and provide an update!
The out-house as it was once known, in my last post, is now fondly referred to as the downstairs loo! GH has done a fabulous job on turning the cold, damp and down-right awful outhouse into a sleek, practical and tidy downstairs loo room. A huge pat on the back for him!
GH has also taken up learning to play the guitar so this has now taken up residence in our living room. It actually adds a warmth to the room. We've had the log burner on regularly now the nights are colder (despite the days being mild here in the North East) and I feel we're on the turn to Winter now as the temperature this morning had dropped dramatically compared to previous nights. This means tonight will see us digging out the scarf and glove sets for the kids to put in their school bags.
I've taken on a second job which so far is proving fabulous. I work from home a couple of times a week typing up documents for a company and they pay me. The wage isn't great but I don't care. Every penny will go towards overpaying the car loan which I took out March last year. It was over 5 years and the idea is to over pay it and get this down to 2017 (or sooner?) so we can get on with buying the farm! GH bought a car last year too and he will pay his (family) loan off at the same time. That will leave us loan free to purchase our dream.
My mind is turning to Christmas now. I've already bought quite a few gifts and I need to sort through them - a weekend job. I'm planning on making a few homemade gifts and putting them in as the stocking fillers this year. A hamper of 2 for the kids and my parents, a few personalised items from the internet for those who don't appreciate homemade and hopefully we're done.
I love getting organised!