Monday 22 April 2024

Week 16 - Back to the paid job - w/c April 15th

April 15th, 2024.

The wind and rain were relentless again last night.  It continued through in to the early morning, finally easing with the rain around 8:30.  The wind is still howling as I type and the rose bush on the front of the house, which has put on a growth spurt, keeps tapping the window as if it wants to be let in.

I've worked from home today and a strange thing has happened. On 3 different occasions, a bird has flown in to the window.  I noticed one did it the other day too.  I'm not sure if the wind is doing it or there's something on the window to suggest to them that they can fly in.  None of them were on the floor so I hope they got away ok.

Despite the rain that's passed and the ongoing wind, the sun is bright.  I look forward to being able to enjoy the sun more, as this Winter seems to be going on and on.  I said over on Instagram that I have done my bit for stopping the rain by getting a new rain coat.  It's usually the case isn't it?

Despite the weather, we managed to have a dry spell where I set up the outdoor space in anticipation of the dry days to come.  

The week moved on.  I'll never tire of the views here.

Working full time means being creative with slow cooked recipes.  This was the very last pack of sausages from last year's pigs.  Well, the last pack I know of anyway.  There's usually something lurking at the bottom of the freezer.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.  A few too many potatoes for Steven.

Here's an egg the Grace found recently - it's got to be a double yolker hasn't it? I'll report back!

I'm trying to do a bit of batch cooking.  Although we are out of sausages, I have sausage meat left which I'm making in to a breakfast hash.  The kids are having this in wraps.  I've also made some lasagne for the freezer.

On Friday after work, we had a spurt of energy and Steven said he was going to fix the fences.  I helped by holding the screws ;)

The weekend was then spent in the veg plot.  For me, weeding but I also had some fun putting canes up ready for the bounty of beans to come!

Ste worked on sorting the membrane of the new area, tightening it all up ready for the bark to be ordered and laid.

I harvested rhubarb and popped it in the dehydrator ready for using in teas.


Steven then worked on the bottom plot where the pigs were previously.  we had put membrane on it to suppress the weeds.  He rotavated it and grass seeded it.  What fun we had laughing at how he did it with a broken spreader.  It meant he had to run to spread it, otherwise it all dumped out in one go.  I got it on video, which isn't out yet but I'm looking forward to editing that one.

It was a glorious weekend, just how it should be.  As a side note, we also processed the ducks which I will cover on a different post.

Monday 15 April 2024

Eat, Drink and be Merry - but now what?

In the words of the old adage "eat, drink and be merry", we can safely say we have done that during our time off the paid job.  As I write this, today sees Steven return to work after his week off and I start my second week.  It's such a shame that it's harder for him to take 2 weeks off with the way his work is.  

After our somewhat indulgent week, this intention for this week is to make a steady start back on to the routines, with healthier meals and more efficient routines.

Our Honesty Stall will become a routine again

Monday needed to start by doing what had been getting put off, you know, the things that would sit in my head for the rest of the week otherwise.  The somewhat boring bits of being an adult and having your own home.  So the pots got washed, the dirty clothes went in to the washing machine, the fridge had a wipe out and the kitchen was ready to receive the goodies from the garden.  I didn't stretch to mopping the floor just yet, after all, teenagers are making up lamb feeds and the floor is often the receiver of some of that!

Thinking about the coming weeks ahead, a priority for me is to have future meals prepped and canned or frozen so that on those days when it's just needed, future Tracy gets a break.

I did manage to meal plan for the week of returning to work and it looked like this:

In addition to meal prepping and planning, I have an abundance of rhubarb to preserve, eggs get on the honesty stall and sell (not to mention eat ourselves), wild garlic to harvest and use plus a lovely and long list of things to do in the garden to keep our food coming for the year ahead.

Last week has been a frustrating one weather wise.  If it's not been raining, the wind has been taking your breath away.  We did have some sun dappled in between the showers but it was few and far between.  It has meant I haven't used the outdoor kitchen as I wanted to, as it's just been so cold.  The warmth and sun will come I know, but the waiting is getting harder.

That aside, let's get on with the day.  Right now, the rain has stopped for now and the sun is peeking through, though I can see the wind is still here, maybe not quite as bad as it has been.  I've already got a lot done this morning and I don't want to feel like I have been at the computer more than I need to (even though I have a list of things I need to achieve today that involve it).  So I'll do that when the rain starts again.  Let's get these eggs sorted and a loaf of bread on the go then see if it's dry enough to head out in to the garden as tomorrow is due to be rain all day.

Monday 8 April 2024

Easter - Good Friday and Easter Saturday 2024

As I type this, Steven is (frantically) looking for our wallpaper stripper.  You know the electric steamer types?  It's a rainy start to today, Easter Monday 2024 and we are getting some indoor jobs started.  Grace, our eldest is at work, our youngest still in bed (pick your battles) and we are at the beginning of our Easter annual leave.  The photo below left was early morning on Good Friday and the dry weather set the tone (for the weekend at least).  It's been dry and bright, bitterly cold in the wind and beautiful in the sun.

I'm taking the opportunity to enjoy some morning walks when the weather is like this.  The views on them are beautiful and I'm so proud to have them on our doorstep.

Friday, being our first day off, meant that was the annual opening of the outdoor area.  We have a bar and kitchen space with a store room created by Steven's (fair?) hands.  It's become a dumping ground over the Winter, for jars that have fed us and kept us nourished.  First job therefore was to get the store room tidied up and ready for action.

The other main job I wanted to get done (Steven was at work Good Friday), was to make a start on getting the potatoes it.  I quite like the idea of getting them in the ground on Good Friday as a tradition.  I got most of them in, there's a few more to do.

The day finished off with a well deserved glass of red from the year's ration (more on that in future posts)

However, the well deserved glass of red meant we had neighbours over and there was a bit of tidy up to do on Saturday morning following the thoughts of "leave it til tomorrow" after the drink started to flow.

So on Saturday morning, what better way to blow the cobwebs away than cracking on with jobs outside.  We are taking down the fencing area of the old pig pens and putting the land back to grass.  A big job but we are making hay whilst the sun shines.


We stopped for a coffee and I got a snap of Ste in the bar, he was told to smile !!

We brought the old fencing up in the wheelbarrows, it's hard work pushing them as the ground is so water logged still.  The brightness of the day was deceiving and you would be forgiven if you thought the ground would soon be dry.  Not a chance of that any time soon.

In between helping Steven, my job is to tend to the seedlings, which will be our food later in the year.  These are those I have started transplanting to bigger pots to get them to grown on before planting out.

We had the little dogs out with us all day, which apparently was quite tiring for them.

A beautiful start to our time off the paid job.

And Annie agreed.

week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17