Thursday 11 August 2016

Brief chilly spot

By gosh it’s been chillier morning than it has been for a while.  Not cold, but still a shock to the system.  It’s due to warm up again though so I am not dwelling on it or making any changes!
Last night I was supposed to ride out but when it started raining I quickly changed my plans to allow me to get into the field and start over seeding it.  It needs to be done when the ground is wet.  Basically I am trying to improve the health of our grazing land as we don’t have a lot versus how much some horses have so as I’ve said before I need to take good care of it.  Combined with the daily task of taking out the muck, over seeding, weed pulling and fertilising all play their part.  So do sheep apparently.  Can you see where this is going?  Tonight we popped over to our neighbour across the fields to see what ewes with lambs they have in the hope that we can come to an agreement to take 2 off his hands.  Sheep are good for walking the grass seed in to the ground to help it root in and they also have other health benefits to horses and grazing land.  I’m being sensible and not asking for 6 or 10 and starting small with 2.  After all, another farmer friend reminded us the other day – that’s how you do it, start small.  I’ll update more tomorrow.
The poorly duck is doing a lot better, she’s able to keep up with her friends when they’re waddling around now so hopefully after a week of restricting their access, we will be able to let them out on Saturday.  I’ll just keep a close eye on the geese so that they don’t make a bee line for her again.  I think they see her as the weakest link now.
Our latest acquired duck, called Richard, has settled in just fine.  He is huge for 3 weeks old, however as he’s an Aylesbury breed, I’m not surprised given that they are a heavy bird.  He reminds me so much of Ryan when he was born and rejected by evil mother goose.   I don't have a photo of him yet but in the mean time, here's Grace with our home grown cockerel youngster.  He's huge and so gentle so far, unlike the previous ones.  He's called Little Red.
Speaking off beelines, Jack my son (6) was stung 5 times by some angry wasps last night.  3 times on his head and 2 on his hand.  The kids were playing near an apple tree, no doubt disturbing the apples and from the screams Jack made you’d think something horrendous had happened, which is what it felt like to him poor soul.  I was in the field so came running as fast as possible and when I got to him the bl**dy thing was still in his hair trying to sting him.  I got rid of it but it kept coming back!! So I ran with him to the barn as it would not let up and I kid you not, it followed us and started at him again.  Steven came to see what was going on as he’d had his earphones in working out, and the wasp turned on him and stung him on the face.  I whisked the kids inside and left Ste to deal with it.   I have never experienced anything like it.  It was in attack mode!  Grace said there were 3 on his head when he got stung and thankfully that was it as I’d hate to think there was a swarm after seeing how brutal they are. 
We will get some wasp powder or such like and if there is a nest, get it dealt with.  I know wasps help pollinate but they have overstayed their welcome after doing that.


  1. Hi Tracy - wasps sting for the hell of it and live to tell the tale where a bumble or honey bee only stings if it is threatened and then dies. its coming up to plum season and they are always worst about this time. My Nan had orchards around her bungalow and she used to put a jam jar on a string or on a wire handle in the trees filled with a good blob of jam in the bottom and then as much water as jam - the theory is that the wasps go to the sweet jam and then drown in the water and they all congregate in the one spot. here is a link that might be useful with natural alternative treatments for treating the walking wounded.

    also wasps sting after they die -

    I have been on a beekeeping course a few years ago at Sacrewell Farm in Peterborough - My Grandad, Dad and Uncle all had bees. My granddad had to give up as he was badly stung and reacted with what is now anaphalactic shock - he wasn't very happy about that. I cannot have them here cuz of the next door neighbour having a heart condition and I can just imagine the fuss he would kick up with the landlord if I did - so it just is not worth it at the moment. I had visions of the bees coming home en masse and him heading for the hills. not that there are many round here as we live in the Fens. Glad the duck is making a recovery and that the new one is settling in. your chicken looks lovely too. By the way love your laying chickens beautiful birds - they are the ones that I have my eye on for whenever my forever home and land materialises. Got to keep dreaming. I also like bantams as well. Right hope the walking wounded are more comfy I had better get a wriggle on. Take care. pattypan x

    1. Thank you for the lovely post as always. Interesting to read and thank you for the link. Looks like a very useful site. Yes those chickens you referred to are the Buff Orpingtons that we have, just at point of lay now and lovely easy to keep girls.

  2. I am allergic to wasp stings, they are nasty creatures, hope he is OKnow.

    1. It took a few days for the sting to go in total, blooming things! Thank you.

  3. Hope the little man is feeling better.x

  4. That's awful. Hate wasps serve no purpose whatsoever. Hope he feels better soon.


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