Tuesday 13 September 2016

A little chicken and goose update

When Steven called in to the neighbouring farmer to buy some corn he enquired as to when the new additions we’re supposed to be getting from him will be ready to leave and his reply was they should be ready soon.  I think a farmer’s “soon” is as noncommittal as my “maybe” to the kids!  Anyway we should be getting them at some point in September!  We’re really looking forward to it.  It really feels like we’re starting to build up good foundations to really run our home as a smallholding.  I’m a bit conscious that we’re getting them later than I hoped – by that I mean we’re moving into Autumn, darker nights and if things go wrong, less daylight hours to fix it (or find them if they get out ;) ) but we will manage and enjoy it.
3 of my bought in hens have recently started to lay eggs now they’re old enough.  The next lot will start to lay early October, so not too long to wait. The breed of chicken is called Vorwerk and are classed as a rarer breed than most. They are really pretty and the 7 of them have free ranged with Ryan, our house goose, since we have had them. So given that they free range across the whole smallholding, it will be interesting to see where they lay their eggs!  We have 4 hens and 3 cockerels in that group, all of which are getting on fairly well though I suspect at least 1, may 2 cockerels will have to go.  They won’t make good table birds, so they will probably be sold.  They make me laugh every day with their antics.  It’s so lovely to have them wandering around the place doing what they wish.  Of course Mr fox may take advantage of it one day and we’re know there are foxes around as we’ve seen them, I just hope the 8 geese we have is enough to keep him at bay. 
The last lot of this year’s birds were born in July so their point of lay is early December for those which are girls.  Any boys from that group will be leaving us before then, to start the stocking of our 2017 freezer.
Now to the ‘would you believe it’ part.  We were under the impression that geese only lay their eggs in the Spring.  So when one of our females started behaving particularly evilly (is that a word?!) I wasn’t overly impressed with her, until I saw what she was guarding.  An egg!  Well, 2 in fact.  I have taken them off her as I don’t want her sitting on them at the moment as she will need to up her body weight for winter, not lose it.  Also the goslings will have a better chance of survival if they arrive in spring instead.  More eggs! :D


  1. Love your chickens on the fence photo, glad to read things are going well.

    1. Thank you. I like to get the photos on to look back on.

  2. It sounds like you have things figured out. Good luck with your chicken keeping.


week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17