Monday 7 August 2017

Monday night preserves - Perfect pork! We did it!

Well I have to say I am proud as punch.  Only a couple of years ago, last year even, I could only think about what it would be like to raise your own meat.  This year we have managed to become self sufficient in chicken and now we can tick anything piggy off the list too.
We've been the proud owners of 2 large white x land race pigs since March 2017.  We bought them from a local farmer who we made friends with when we moved into the smallholding.  He supported us with advice during the life of the pigs and we are forever grateful as this year was all about finding out what it was like to raise your own pigs and whether or not it was for us.
Well guess what - it is! 
With Ste working for a large butchers, we are lucky enough that the pigs could go to the abattoir there and we knew they were in good hands.  However we don't have a trailer yet, so what to do.  Well around here it seems that you mention it to a neighbour and they go out of the way to help you.  Seriously.  We couldn't believe it.  Up until now we'd not met our 'neighbour over the river' (all neighbours here have a "over the river, across the field, on the corner type" phrase attached to their description given our location) however we were told to call him and he'd help out.  So feeling rather cheeky, that's what I did.  Well what a lovely man (and wife too, we were to later find out).  David and Marg - they didn't question us and just offered the use of the trailer based on the word of a mutual friend.  Now I also must say, we only met this mutual friend as a sheep of his got stuck near our land so I made sure I found the owner and returned it.  He's obviously never forgot as he went on to help us get the trailer contact when we needed it.
Turns out, on the day the pigs were due to go, David said he'd join me and help out too - even better as I must admit I was worrying that we'd struggle to get them on safely.  We'd not had time to familiarise the pigs with the trailer as it wasn't ours, so we hoped for a bit of luck which came in bucket loads and combined with a few shoves with of our wellies and a bucket of pig nuts - the 2 hungry pigs barged their way onto the trailer.
We were off.  I felt slightly sick but that wasn't the fact the pigs were going, it was at the thought of something going wrong with the journey or the papers being wrong.  I shouldn't have felt sick though, it all went just fine.
The pigs went through the motions at the abattoir and after a couple of false starts, we got them back ready for the weekend.  Ste got a photo of them at work whilst they were hanging in the big fridge.  I couldn't wait to reap the rewards of the happy, free range life they'd lived.  We had weights of 54kg and 66kg which we are happy with this year.

We initially got the fillets and offal home.  These were frozen on the night, with the loins vac packed.

The first night we set the dining room up for Ste to butcher the sides he brought home.  He'd cut them down at work into manageable sizes.  We worked on a wooden board resting on a sanitised new shower curtain which did the job perfectly. Everything got wrapped up and the end and went in the bin - cost a couple of pounds.

He boned and rolled the spare rib half of the shoulders giving us 8 joints.  Each one was cut into sizes that will be large enough for at least 4 people right up to feeding a tribe! 

The thick end of each loin went to the bacon tray (to be dry cured for back bacon) and the thin end into medallion chops, which gave us 27 chops.  As 27 isn't an even number, we cooked one up and tested it on the night.  Goodness me it was the nicest chop I've ever had (and no, I'm not just saying that).

Now, something we didn't realise when raising these pigs is we may have given them too much space as there was very little fat on them from all the running around they did.  There was no flare fat so I couldn't render that down, but that's ok - I'll take a happy life for the pigs and little fat for us.  This did mean that the bellies were very lean and thin too.  Therefore 2 went to sausage and burger meat, 1 was boned and rolled for a nice belly pork joint and the other we trialled as streaky bacon.

I decided to use Dawn's dry cure recipe for the bacon and we are on day 2 of that now.

The bones out of the bellies and backs went to racks of ribs, so we have 8 racks which we tested one, but it was quite tough so I will slow cook next time. 

We kept one leg for a Christmas ham so that was cut and wrapped, going straight into the freezer.  The chump end of that went to steaks.  The other 3 had the hocks taken off which went into a wet cure along with the topsides and the thick flanks.  They were weighed down with a plate so they don't bob above the surface.

That was 6 ham joints and 3 hocks.  Once these are ready I will cook all of these straight away.

We also got 6 roasting joints off the legs.  All in all, these joints will see us through the rest of the year and beyond.  We cooked one up for lunch on Sunday.

I roasted and cooked the bones up to make pork stock which will be frozen in portion sizes tomorrow.

Out of the trim that was left over, we had 3kg of diced pork and 8kg of minced pork, 36 burgers and 120 links of sausage.

All in all, our hands are tired and our freezers are full.  The whole family chipped in, including my visiting nephew. 

We had burgers (pork and apple) and Jack declared them the best he'd ever had.  Grace preferred the sausages (spicy ones) and we had a joint roasted on Sunday which were amazing,
So we've achieved a life long dream, we know exactly where our meat is coming from and to top it off, there's no air miles on this little lot of meat.  Happy days!


  1. Well done - all looks good. Pork is a favourite of ours. Especially Belly Pork Roasts. I make home made sausage meat stuffing and spread it liberally on the pork belly and then tie and pop in the freezer. All the family love this - especially the crackling. My grandparents kept their own pigs. Well done that's another thing off the list. When do the next ones arrive. Take care.

    Pattypan xx

    1. Hi Tricia, sounds like a delicious way to cook it thank you. I'll try it! Oooh the plan for now is to get traditional outdoor breed in march or April time frame xx

  2. Wow, what an accomplishment! You have done so much since you bought your smallholding. It's such a bonus that Ste is a butcher so everything is prepared very professionally.

    1. Thank you for that, it's nice to be reminded. Oh yes I think I would still be at it if Ste wasn't a butcher. Amazing to watch!

  3. I'm so happy for you! What a great harvest!

    1. Thank you, can't wait to see how long it lasts!

  4. I'm really chuffed for you Tracey you must be feeling elated. It's a wonderful feeling when you put food on the plate that has been home produced.

    1. Thanks Tania, it's a lovely feeling and one I hope to keep building on! This is one of the good times, always ups and downs here

  5. Well can be easy to over feed pigs and get too much fat! Enjoy... x

    1. Yes I read that too! Glad we didn't though and thank you x

  6. Piggin' fabulous, chic. What an achievement; I am so pleased you are so on our way to self sufficiency in more than one way. Just fab. Love to see all the cuts and products you ended up with!x

    1. Haha brilliant play on words and thank you for your kind words x

  7. Lovely post, having grown up in the Somerset countryside, butchering our own meat was a normal chore when I was a child. I am so pleased you have another type of food from your plot.

    1. I love to hear of people growing up in this environment, I hope the kids remember it fondly. Thank you

  8. Well done to all of you, your pigs were happy and you have used it all well, nothing beats home reared meat, looking forward to seeing whats next :-)

    1. Thank you dawn, its such a great feeling as you know :-)

  9. Your pork looks so delicious. We've never had anything as good as pigs we raised on the smallholding even the first ones that we over fed and they had an inch of fat on the chops!

    1. Thank you sue, it's a fine balance of feeding isn't it?

  10. I was just having a look at your piggy post again. As I scrolled down I thought about the Walton blog award you were given. I think the reason you got the award is because you show processes of projects, like the pigs and the chickens. You talk about success and failures in equal measure and your posts are always informative, interesting and inspiring. I look back at your blog in the way I do Dawns because chances are I'll find something of use. Keep it up chic.xx

    1. Ah what lovely comments Lou, thank you. I do hope some of the posts people find useful z

  11. Even though there is no way we could be self sufficient I love reading blogs like yours about self sufficientiency. There are always ideas for anyone who has an interest in home produced food be it meat or cooking and preserving.
    I also enjoy your budgeting posts.
    If it's not too intrusive a question, how is your monthly food budget altering?
    You said you were hoping to reduce it to £250 a month. Has that worked?

    1. Hiya thanks for stoping by and taking the time to comment. I don't think many could be truly self sufficient but a journey in that direction is what we're aiming for. Interesting that you say about the budget post as I was just thinking it's time I updated you all. It's working yes but not every month. We're still heading in the right direction tho and I'll do a post shortly about it. Take care

  12. Fair play you've moved fast in the #smallholding world! I've held off getting pigs but there will be a couple here next year I think. Mind we've got three freezers full of produce already! Bet it all tastes amazing!

    1. Thanks kev! One life, may as well crack on and live it. Haha sounds like you're going to need more freezers!


week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17