Tuesday 11 August 2020

Weekly Meal Plan - August 3rd, 2020

How exciting! My first actual meal planning post.  Pull up a chair 😊
I've been meal planning on and off for years.  I have found certain things either drive you to meal plan or allow you to "ease off the accelerator" and wing it a little more.  When I've had my winging it times, I know from personal experience that we suffer the consequences.  Our costs go up, meals become less healthy and Steven and I become more grumpy!  
Therefore I hope that this blog, along with it's Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest pages will ensure our winging it days become less and less, helping you along the way too.  
Having said that (!!!) I am only human and on the days when the inevitable happens, I'll share the outcomes of that too.
There's so many fantastic YouTube channels out there, many of which I use for inspiration.  As I create content for this social media channel I will share my own videos too, though it will most likely be via our smallholding channel
Ok friends, I'll stop wittering on now.  August 3rd week's meal plan on my new frugal whiteboard that I LOVE looks like this:  
Monday - Meatloaf with Potatoes, roasted courgette and tomatoes
Tuesday – Left over chicken salad with dressing & crusty bread (ended up as chicken korma as it was a cold day and we needed something hot to warm us up)
Wednesday – Taco bar - slow cooker taco meat
Thursday – Steak fajita bowls
Friday - Chicken korma, boiled rice, naan and mint yoghurt - (After swapping with Tuesday, it will be the humble jacket potatoes with choice of filling instead).
Saturday - BBQ - Ste cooks on a Saturday and ironically never knows what he will do until the day!
Sunday –   Roast chicken dinner with Yorkshire puddings and home grown veg 
Every week we have a soup of the week (SOTW) and this week is traditional pea and ham using a smoked gammon joint in the Slow Cooker Crockpot.  The recipe is here.
As I can, I'll come back and update with recipe details and photos of how the meals turned out so keep checking back on these "older" posts.
BBW Meatloaf

Here we can see I am perfectly relaxed whilst Steven gets on with the BBQ.  Mum's need a day off too ;)

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