Wednesday 27 August 2014

Odd Jobs and a happy dog

Yesterday I was eased gently back into work after 2 amazing weeks off.  That meant I didn't have to start until 2 ish but it also meant I had to work until 10.  I am lucky enough to do some of my work from home so depite having to work until 10, I didn't have to get dressed up to do it!

At lunch time we had a meander out with our dog and he happily sniffed away at every knook and cranny going.  He has to be kept on a lead when we walk locally as there's no free running area where I'd dare let him off.  That didn't stop him smiling though :)
Smiling dog!
Last night, Gorgeous Husband was busy updating his man cave which is the (almost) recently converted loft.  He's bought a desk for up there and last night was busy putting it together - he even read the instructions!
Gorgeous husband in his element
He's spoilt me as he had put a blind up in the kitchen the day before so that finishes the kitchen window dressings now and it feels a bit more complete.
 Tonight will see us celebrating our 9th Wedding Anniversary - relaxing with a bottle of wine by the roaring fire (I know it's not that cold, but it sets a scene) and maybe watching a film....bliss!

Nobody wake me...

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week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17