Sunday 27 March 2016

Happy Easter

I hope everyone has had a lovely easter. Ours was spent with family and friends throughout the whole day. We're very lucky to have a close knit family who come to visit us. I should really plan in some time to visit them at their houses too but we have been so busy in the new place that it just hasn't happened yet.
I made a huge easter lunch with chicken  and slow cooked beef and all the trimmings and we have loads left of course.
Today I am feeling mighty proud of the seeds that we have growing into fine young plants. So much so that I've photographed them again. I can't quite believe I have managed to grow what I have so far! Maybe we may eat some of our own grown this year after all.
The onions planted outside are showing though no sign of the first early potatoes yet. I have more potatoes here to chit so I'll pop those in the egg cartons tomorrow. Also I want to get a load more seeds in over the next few days. Still too cold for some to be transplanted outside tho.

I was really pleased to see the rhubarb I was questioning a few weeks back growing new growth. I love rhubarb! So much so I have bought 2 new plants. I was thinking about incorporating them into the strawberry bed to split the strawberries and the raspberries up. Would that be OK anyone?


  1. This time of year is full of promise with loads of tiny plants, just waiting for the warmers weather.

    1. I love it, each day I notice something new. It's wonderful.

  2. I thought Id lost my rhubarb but heyho its appeared at last. Just like yours just starting to erupt through the soil. Your seedlings are coming along well.

    1. I am so pleased it isn't dead! It's amazing how life prevails! Thank you. I plan on putting a lot more in tomorrow.

  3. Could I ask your advice? We are getting close to having a greenhouse and chickens. Eeeek! With regard to the greenhouse, do you grow absolutely anything you want in the greenhouse? eg.can I set garlic cloves at anytime of the year as I am working my way through suggestions on the internet of when to plant seeds etc. I am new to this but so keen to get it right. I know a lot of it will be trial and error but I want to start with things we will be able to eat as normal, if you get my meaning? Thank you.x

    1. Ooh I wouldn't ask me for advice lol as I am just trying anything! I do think that garlic has to be over wintered as it needs the cold to develop the cloves. At the moment I would go for tomatoes, lettuce, onions exciting for you x

    2. Thank you for that. I love seeing how you are getting on and can't WAIT to get started!x


week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17