Friday 10 March 2017

IBC tanks, duck ponds and fencing

Just part of the day in the life of a smallholder?  There's been a few jobs that Ste has wanted to get done which he's managed to since he had 3 days off work this week.
The first one was due to me changing my mind on something.  When we moved here, we housed the rescue hens in a part of the veg plot which only had flowers in it, as at the time I was sure I wasn't interested in flowers.  I've since come to realise their beneficial properties for the bees if nothing else, so the fence he put up to keep the hens in, has now been removed and used elsewhere, allowing me in to make the space into our fruit garden.  As I can't remember what was in there, this project will be done over the Spring and Summer so I can make sure we put everything that's in there to some use.

During the "take down"
We're getting some new apple trees off Kev, which will go along the back trellis and in place of some fir trees which are just out of sight here.  The fir trees will go to another location where we need them.  Then the grass will become the soft fruit area.  So many ideas!

The pond had a leak in it, so we bought some more liner and Ste has updated it, the ducks love it :)

1 year ago to the day!

The fence he put up last year to keep the ponies in their paddock, doesn't keep the sheep in there when it's there turn.  So he had added an extra rail on.
 One sheep proof fence (I can almost hear the sheep laughing at this statement now)
He moved one of the new IBC tanks in to the veg plot and has come up with a genius way of collecting rainwater in there where there is no guttering etc to get the run off from.  We hope it works well, after all, we get a lot of downpours.

Plastic on IBC tank to run off into hole.
He also managed to fix up a hose pipe connect direct to the IBC tank so I can use the hose pipe in there.  The flow will be slower but it's free!
We will grow things around the wooden frame to disguise it.  I'm really pleased with it, very inventive.
Jack and Ste also picked us girls the first daffs of the year.  Spring has arrived at our smallholding.


  1. Changing minds and adapting are all part of the game aren't they?! Oooh I love a before and after photo, and the pond looks great, too. (Hope to share photos of our latest project reeeeeally soon!)Great you are getting your fruit patch and flowers sorted.

    1. Yes, we have to be flexible or we wouldn't get anywhere fast. The weather and animals alone make sure of that without me changing my mind LOL. Love your new poultry area, looks great xx

  2. All good food producing gardens need flowers, not just bees they attract lots of other beneficial insects, as well as looking pretty, I have planted up cut flower beds in the veg area as well as flowering herbs and medicinal plants.

    1. I have ideas forming all of the time, so much so I think I should just get started, after all, things can be changed afterwards can't they? I would like a herb bed plus medicinal eventually.

  3. All good progress! And there's nothing like a few daffodils in springtime. x

    1. Thank you! they do make me feel happier, I need to move them to areas where they won't be eaten by future stock I think, I don't want to lose them x

  4. Even in our small garden, which we have been here 7 years, most of my 1st plans have been changed, you do need to work the land to see how it will suit your lifestyle. I to have a cut flower garden, it's the best value all round for a smallish raised bed, Flowers benefit the garden wildlife and often cut flowers can be more expensive than veg in the shops.

    1. I am shocked at the price of cut flowers and as much as I like them, I won't pay for them. I think you and Dawn may be on to something there, thanks x


week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17