Sunday 3 September 2017

Monday night preserves - the start of the picalilli and some questionable runner bean chutney

I've got a load of courgettes at the moment and I am fully aware that it's September and Christmas is creeping up. So what better way to use them than make picalilli for the Christmas hampers and to use through the autumn and winter.

I've made a start and decided to use Pam's recipe with the following choice of veg: courgettes, cauliflower, carrots, green beans and green tomatoes. Only problem is it starts off with 24 hours of salting!

School girl error, always always read your recipe in good time so you're prepared. 

So I quickly moved on to see what else I could preserve. Now something we have by the bucket load is runner beans. I found some recipes for chutney pickle online but they weren't suitable for one reason or another so I loosely followed a combination of some I found online. I chopped up 3 onions and a kilo of green beans. 

The onions were simmered for 10 minutes in 275ml of cider vinegar as that's all I had, whilst the beans were boiled for 5 in salt water.

I drained the beans and added them to the onions and took them off the heat to sit as the vinegar had burnt off and I didn't want to risk the pan drying out.

In a jug I added another splash or two of cider vinegar to 2 tbsp cornflour, 1 tbsp mustard powder and 1 tsp ground turmeric and mixed to a paste.

Adding it to the onion mix and another 500ml cider vinegar. It stinks the house out but it actually tastes delicious already. It's currently simmering away in the Aga and I think it'll be a while before it's ready to jar up. It'll be November at the earliest before we can taste it as it'll need to mature but rest assured I'll let you know how it tastes.


  1. That looks a really interesting recipe and so great that you found an alternative to use what you have lots of. I really admire you making the commitment to preserving something every week. Well done you.xx

  2. Great work. I love stashing the jars away ready for winter.

  3. Runner Bean chutney is one that has put in a regular appearance here over the years as well. OH is particularly partial to it. I refer to the recipe I have as "Margaret's Runner Bean Chutney as my friend Margaret Jackson (who is no longer with us) was a Farmer's wife and the recipe had been in use in her family for many years. Its good that you are playing a bit and finding your way around recipes, adding a bit here tweaking a bit there. Its the only way you learn your parameters. Keep up the good work.



week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17