Sunday 17 September 2017

Fun at the country fair

Saturday started something like this.

We spent time together early morning getting the kids models ready for the country show we were going to. Our first time we've ever been to one was last year when we came 3rd in the pumpkin class.

This year we went into the same class and look what happened!!

We were so pleased! We then went on to get 2nd place for the below items too which we are over the moon about.

The kids models came 3rd and highly commended which is simply great as they did them in their own.

Then today I made a Sunday roast for our family and grandparents.  All home grown except the broccoli which is a very satisfying feeling. 

So just a quick update for today as it's late and I'm ready to put my feet up for an hour before bed! H


  1. Well done Tracy you have done good. Am so chuffed for you and the kidlets. Now it was really worth all that hard effort. You have now passed and so no need for the "L" Plates anymore.


    1. Thank you Tricia, you don't know how much you made me smile saying that. I know it's all about the growing of the food to eat but I really enjoyed this side of things as did the whole family. Of course all produce will be eaten , nothing will be wasted xx

  2. What a brilliant result for all of you. And thoroughly deserved. Well done.

    1. Thank you. I definitely think I'll be growing some more of the different varieties each year as they've done me proud. I'm not sure it'd fit into my oven while, but that's the plan!

  3. Good for you and the children. I bet they were really pleased. Your entries look very yummy!

    1. Thanks Janice, yes they loved it and are already planning next years!

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  5. Great fun to start the youngsters off on a fun section, well done on all the placings, it's always nice to see your produce being placed, not that the way it looks affects how they all taste.

    1. I do hope they have fond memories of this when they are older Marlene. No it doesn't matter how it looks as it all gets eaten, but it is nice to have a bit of fun with it as you say

  6. Flippin' marvelous, chic! Well done everybody especially Grace and Jack - fantastic efforts!

    1. It's lovely to see the kids taking part isn't it, gives them a nice bit of independence too xx

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  8. Good work! I've only ever entered something once in a show and I didn't do marvellously well, my veg tends to be tasty but wonky! My mother, on the other hand, was a regular trophy winner!

    1. Thank you Lucy. Please don't give up! It's great fun, even just to see what others do, as you'll know from your mum doing it! Wonky veg rules!!

  9. Congratulations! Lovely produce - I love a country show but there aren't many where we live.

    1. Thank you! I think this is the only local one to us but I am not sure. They aren't the easiest to find on the internet for some reason. I hope one raises its head for you soon, close to home for you. Take care


week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17