Wednesday 20 September 2023

Autumn Winds and Veggie Thoughts

Tuesday 19th September & Wednesday 20th September

The wind howled all night.  One of the dogs followed suit and howled along with it, meaning that I had yet another night of disturbed sleep.  We had relaxed most of the evening after work which was very unusual for us as we are normally busy bees.  The last few week's must have caught up with us and we may even consider having one night a week "off" from doing anything moving forward.  We shall see.

Despite the wind, it is a very warm day today, Wednesday.  There have been weather warnings in place for both days so I knew I wouldn't get much done in the garden on Tuesday evening anyway.  

The apples are coming in thick and fast and I hope by the weekend there will still be some brambles on the bushes as I plan to spend a couple of hours foraging, whilst Steven is at work, to make Winter preserves and tonics.

Now we have the pigs in the freezer, I plan to start Saturday English breakfasts again, a tradition I started when we moved to the smallholding but is dependant on what we have in the freezers.  Everyone enjoys a "fry up" even if technically it's not fried and the Autumn weather beckons for the hearty comfort foods on a working weekend.  In addition, Sunday roasts will be heading back to the menu as we head in to October.  The Aga will be switched on and the log burners roaring, but not just yet.  There's still warmth in the air and a promise of high teens (centigrade) next week.


My thoughts are already turning to 2024 growing season.  I've really enjoyed what we are growing this year and every year I'm learning more and wanting to improve.  No matter how many years I do this for, there's always more to learn.

The issue I have is growing enough to feed 4 mouths 3 times a day.  Realistically, it's probably 2 times a day as breakfast doesn't normally contain food from the garden except when we have berries to add to yoghurt.  I'll do a post on what we need but thinking along the lines of at least one onion a day is 365 onions and you get the idea!  

So the carrots you see above are fantastic looking, time will tell when we harvest, but they won't last 12 month, they may only last 2.  My Winter crop didn't germinate well, so next year I will have to get them in earlier.  

I'll share the plan when I have it, including varieties and expected quantities.

The bramble wine is looking delicious as are the many tomatoes that are coming in.  More to come there.

In the meantime - look at this fantastic freebie!  Just what we were looking for.

1 comment:

  1. Bramble Whisky is nice. I made the wine which I like and the Whisky last year. I have fermented Bramble syrup on the go this year and 9 bottles of bottled Brambles in syrup. Harvest not as good this year. Been wet n horrible and grey here today. Apple Butter is lovely as well - you can spice this or equally do the same with Pears. Nice with some homemade Muesli or Granola. Just take it steady x Tricia


week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17