Tuesday 25 July 2017

Bursting into life

Tuesday's are my really busy day work wise so when I stole 20 mins to check the veg and fruit gardens, I couldn't resist getting some photos for a super quick blog update.

This is the little pumpkins (jack be little) growing on the trellis. I've tied them up so I hope they grow upwards tho I fear their pots may not be big enough for how greedy they are. Still, a pumpkin is coming!

Despite the other sunflowers failing a few had pushed through and brightened up my day. Such a happy flower.

Around Christmas 2016 I received some piquant pepper seeds from Dawn in a little parcel and I was thrilled as it was a peek into the growing season ahead. If memory serves me right, these came from Dani and travelled a long way, so when dawn kindly passed them on I couldn't wait to get going. They germinated the best out of all of the peppers and are growing steadily. I have no idea if this is what they should look like,but I'm thrilled either way.

I also spotted this beauty hiding at the back. I almost missed it!

The eating apples in the orchard have swollen up beautifully. Presumably from all the rain we've had?

Well that's it from me tonight, I'm going to go through my comments on the last 2 posts as I'm playing catch up and then try to sleep. So many ideas flying round my head though! It's hard to switch off. Goodnight!


  1. I know what you mean. Most of our rain has been during the night on the Essex coast and it's done the power of good. Everything has had a lovely drink and I love the k forward to the fruit harvests in autumn.

  2. I love this time of year, enjoying eating the results of your hard work.

  3. Everything looks beautiful. Lovely peppers! I'll be lucky to have any this year between the deer and the rabbits.

  4. The peppers look delish and you could be in for a few pumpkins. We need some rain desperately, it is so hot 30+C with no break in sight. Some of my plants are not very happy.

  5. i really likes your blog and You have shared the whole concept really well. and Very beautifully soulful read! thanks for sharing.


week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17