Monday 31 July 2017

Monday night preserves - not tonight!

I feel bad but there's been no preserving done tonight, however for good reason! We've been busy at work meaning tonight was the only night we've managed to sit down and write out what we want to do with our pigs that are off to 'market' tomorrow as the nursery rhyme goes. So we will be back with next weeks Monday night preserves showing what we're doing with them. This is our first time doing this so I hope it goes well. Tonight they had their last evening meal with us and enjoyed some home raised veg with their feed.

They've done a grand job of turning the area over. They'd need fresh ground if they stayed longer so the timing is great.

Fingers crossed the are good loading and transporting! 


  1. Good luck with loading them!

  2. Gosh, I can see you are going to be busy processing all that pork. I hope they load well - my friend used to tempt her Oxford Black and Sandys with sliced apple, which they loved.

    1. That's a great tip, thank you! Hoping they will do anything for food!

  3. Have you got those board things you always see people use to coax pigs into the trailer or move them from place to place. I'm sure they will probably follow their noses when you provide something delicious in the trailer. Good Luck looking forward to seeing the produce.

    1. Thank you! It was hard work but we made it x

  4. Dont feed them until AFTER you load otherwise theyll be too lazy to get in the trailer! We used to feed them in the trailer for a few days before they went off .

    1. Yes we gave them half rashons on the morning and it worked thankfully.

  5. Good luck with the loading. Food always helps! Look at Cro's recipe for curing your own bacon. ( I use a belly pork joint) It really works.
    Those pigs have made a good job of clearing that plot (are you a John Seymour fan ?)

    1. I'll take a look at the recipe, thanks for that. Oh yes, John Seymour for sure Gill!

  6. Hope all the piggy processing goes well!


week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17