Friday 28 July 2017

Growing all year round? Let's have a go...a new weekly task.

It's been on my mind that I've planned and planned for all of the bounties we are harvesting now and what is still to come through the summer, but I've not done quite as much for Autumn and Winter. 

So I've decided to put these thoughts into action and for the last couple of weeks I've been sowing more things.  I plan on sowing something new weekly for the next few weeks, which I'll share with you along with their progress.

Lettuce, winter leeks, winter cabbage, basil (red and green), chamomile as I'm curious to see if you can grow them in winter (for gifts), pak choi, autumn cauliflower (not had 1 yet this year!!!), beetroots and spring onion.

 The reason I am starting everything indoors is the blinking slugs or mice, whatever it is.  Pretty much everything I'm sowing direct is not getting chance to take as strongly as I'd like so I'm going to suck it up and transplant anything that can handle it.  The peas have done well on this round interestingly.

Now for a confession, my greenhouse is a tip! 

I must get in this weekend and give it a tidy out.  I don't have a photo of the back section, which is just as well as all the pots have fallen over and water's dripped through from watering, there's boxes with boxes and who knows what else!

So this weekend I promise I will tidy out my greenhouse!  I'm in there ALL the time and I work happily in there, people actually come to visit me in there like Grace is below.  So I need to give it the attention it deserves, after all, this is where it all starts!


  1. I find it hard to keep my greenhouse tidy, always other things to do.

    1. I've managed to give it a tidy out but let's see how long it lasts!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. The house we are hoping to get has a very small green house, I am hoping to move it further down the garden and get a bigger one in its space. As I only have a small veg plot here and wont have anything in the ground over winter I am hoping to get spring onions going and as soon as we move in I need a few beds made for garlic etc I cant miss another year of growing.

    p.s. I will also have a chair in my green house. Its a fab place to sit out of the rain with a book in the autumn!

  4. I am envious of your nice big GLASS greenhouse - I lost my cheapo tie-down plastic polytunnel after it blew away one windy March day - it was much better for growing stuff in than the smaller also plastic one which has followed it. Not enough air flow in that and so I have mould on the cucumber plants now, and yet again, blight on the blardy tomatoes! I hope you can keep it all going over the winter - no reason why you shouldn't have a good crop of various things.

  5. Oh my lord. You think yours looks bad! You should see mine since we have been away!!Have to sort mine out too. Everything is over brown and falling over. Fab idea about the camomile to add to your ever growing list of things for Xmas gifts. I need to get my winter sowing started. Great to have plans all year round.


week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17