Saturday 27 January 2024

Well, that's a bit cheeky! Week 3 on the Smallholding

The week started out a bit crappy.  Literally.  Sorry, I hope you're not eating or have a sensitive nature. 

Our septic tank had an issue so Steven and I spent a couple of hours getting it sorted.  It was due to be emptied anyway so once we had it sorted "enough", we left it for the pros.  The came 2 days later and all was well.  The cold had played havoc with the soak away. Cost for that was £185 to be emptied.  We are going to get it done again in October this year to ensure empty over the winter and go from there.  That means I need to change our savings to ensure we have that saved for October as it's currently set for February's.

The days continue to be cold and frozen but we are enjoying being outside more as it is still not raining yet!  It's due tho.  Sonic, the pony, is enjoying his time outside but tells us when he's ready to be back inside.

Evenings are spent in a variety of ways.  We've played some games, trivial pursuit which Steven is very clever at but I need the kids questions!  I'm completing a Christmas gift I was given, a paint by numbers.  I am enjoying it so much!  The farmyard scene is wonderful.


The aga is in full flow, cooking, drying and keeping us warm.  I am really enjoying the simple meals we create here on the smallholding.  The aga is perfect for germinating the peppers seeds too.


Our weekend was spent Steven and I again, with the kids doing other things.  After 3 weeks of carnivore dieting, Steven was ready for a cup of coffee and to see what a dent he had made in the freezers.  We think we are good for another 8 months with what's in here.

After the freezers, we worked outside on the weekend again, fed and cleaned the animals as usual and then had a really fun project of putting up a new bird house Steven made.


If you'd like to see this come together in a video - please watch this -->  Weekend Vlog

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week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17