Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Rain, Yoghurt and Pate

Monday 14th August

It has rained heavily for most of the day.  There was a brief break just after lunch, which was good as my son had an hour out with a friend.  I think we can safely say everything has been watered!

After the success of the veg plot weeding, I have 2 things on my list for the start of this week.  Yoghurt and pate.  Monday morning, before work I was up nice and early.  Once I'd got my exercise out of the way and had checked on the greenhouse, I set about making the yoghurt in the Instant Pot.  It was my first time and I couldn't believe how easy it was.  Too easy as after 10 hours incubating, it hadn't set so I added another 2 hours, also in vain.  I now had sour milk.  

I'm going to try again with some Greek Yoghurt as the starter for the next batch.  The original one I had may have expired.  Watch this space.

The pate recipe I have found looks super simple and I have all of the ingredients so I hope to get to that mid week.  The book I found it in was a couple of quid from ebay.  It's a lovely book, recommended to me on Instagram.

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