Monday 29 February 2016

A new week

As much as I still get the Sunday night, work the next day feeling, I do enjoy the start of a new week. New plans, fresh ideas and a full week to fit it all in.
Tonight I have planted a few earlies in the ground after they have been chitting for a few weeks. I will do some more next week.
The tomatoes that were leggy are now planted up to their first true leaves. I hope this works. I am super pleased with how everything is doing so far. It's really exciting!!
Still no goose eggs but we're heading into March so fingers crossed for some soon. I near people saying they have had their first of the year already so we remain very hopeful.
The chicks are getting huge and already showing individual personalities. They make me laugh daily.
Food wise I have under ordered potatoes, that much I know already. I also forgot ripe banana and only ordered 'keep me' ones! All learning for the next order.
Happy days on our smallholding.


  1. I'm going to start planting mine next week when I have some time off. I'm looking forward to planting everything up for the summer. I'm growing more peppers, more varieties of beans and chillies this year.

    1. Peppers are ideal aren't they as they freeze well. It's such an exciting time!

  2. Hi my peppers are about the same size as yours and have been put out in the unheated greenhouse, inside the coldframe which I have moved inside. At night I put a nightlight in the coldframe and cover it with a piece of carpet to keep out the frost. Its much cheaper than heating the greenhouse.

    1. That's good to know. What is a nightlight? Other than the type you use for lighting the landing for when ppl need to nip to loo during night!

    2. I think they call them tea lights these days. A small candle in a metal case, a normal candle would do as long as it will last the night or candle stubs melted together in an old tin can

  3. Yes I know exactly what you mean. Thanks for confirming.


week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17