Thursday 11 February 2016

What a lovely day

Today I was lucky enough to be working from home.  So on my lunch hour I went outside and after tending to the horses, I weeded the next veg bed along.  The soil was lovely though clumped together in parts due to the amount of rain we have had.
Today's "new smallholder" question is... Does anyone have one of these greenhouse temperature controls are, or know how they work?  I suppose I know how it'll work, I just can't find the power for the blooming thing.  The wires leave the greenhouse in the general direction of the house but where they end up is anyone's guess.  It may not even work for all I know.  Though I would be surprised as the previous owner's have taken good care of the place.
Another 'what is it'?  Friend or foe of the veg plot?  I am uploading from my phone so for info it is the picture of the bug  I will have a google and find out.
Today sees the start of the fence going up.  We've paid for a firm to come in and do it.  It means it will be up in 3 days opposed to the 3+ weeks it would take us.  Here's what it looked like at 7:30 this morning.  Wasn't it a lovely bright morning.  It was only a week ago, less even, that 7:30 was still a dark hour of our morning's here in the North East. Spring is on the way and it feels great.
Our eggs are on day 10 in the incubator today.  I can't wait until these cuties hatch and are ready to join our 10 in Chickenville.  A while off for that yet of course. I have just realised we will have fluffy chicks for Easter!


  1. Sometimes you just have to pay for the job to be done. We paid £5k for fence work but it gave us the impetuous to get things finished.

  2. Looks like a leather jacket (larvae of crane fly) therefore foe. (Checked in a garden group I belong to)

  3. jealous fluffy chicks for Easter, how lucky are your kids

  4. Fencing can be a very long job, well worth getting it done by someone else! xx


week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17