Friday 5 February 2016

New arrivals...

Say hello to Jemima, Neville and 'to be named'.  Our new Geese!  Well done Denise on guessing!  These 3 beauties are our latest addition to the smallholding.  They are all supposed to be around 2 years old.  They are busy settling in to their new home without too much honking.  They will stay in there tomorrow and Sunday we will let them out for a few hours.  We have guests arriving on Sunday afternoon so will lock them up before people arrive as I don't want to stress them out.

Exactly as Dawn said, it's lovely when things start coming together.  Happy Friday everyone.


  1. I grew up with geese in a local orchard, I love them, plus as a child mum always had goose for Christmas lunch.

    1. Oh wow, how lovely. We have a tiny orchard, very small, but it's ours and we love it. The geese live there in a shed during the night but they venture off around the farm during the day, mostly to the paddock for the nice grass. We are hoping for goose for Christmas too but we shall see.

  2. oh how sweet are they! :D and excellent guard geese too, you won't get any intruders lol :) xx

    1. I thought that you know, but they seem very friendly! not sure if that is a good or a bad thing lol

  3. Oh JOY! We had geese for many years - Jo our gander lived nearly 20 years. They were no bother at all and I would gladly recommend to anybody. So so pleased for you! We named ours after our grandparents Jo, Peggy and Dolly.

    1. How fabulous! I don't suppose you know a good way to sex them? I ask as we're convinced they are 3 girls!! The girl we bought them off said we could swap but we don't know for sure :\

  4. I'm terrified of geese! I'm sure they know when I go near, they smell my fear, look me straight in the eye and start walking towards me.

    1. My dear friend was too but by tonight, she was helping me guide them back to their shed for bed time. :)

  5. Well I have finally gotten around to catching up with your blog and I am really really loving it...I would have loved to do what you have done but sadly it was not possible for us. Grab this opportunity with both hands and enjoy every single minute, as the life you will be living from now on will be hard but absolutely wonderful for you and your family.
    Looking forward to reading more posts on your blog. Good luck with it all and if I can help you with questions re your veg patch then pls ask XX

  6. Hiya so please you had time to catch up. I've just literally taken photos of each bed on the veg plot and am going to post about them. Very much hit and hope this year. I want to see what's what, what grows, where the sun lies, if it's windy etc etc. It's all so exciting. Thank you, your blog is going to be of much use to me over the coming year too. xx


week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17