Monday 1 February 2016

Happy new chucks...

The new chickens seem to be settling in and this morning they were all perched together, bar one who always sleeps on the floor anyway.
They had to stay in for the remainder of the day as they are still getting used to where their bed is.  However once we got home we thought we'd try them out of the shed which they loved.  A little nervous but very inquisitive, they were soon exploring with the other 6, our 6 old faithfuls.  We were given 2 eggs as a thank you.

This evening after doing the horses, we got stuck into planting some seeds which are now in the greenhouse.  The tomatoes came in the house though for a bit more warmth.  It's all trial and error for us.  We've never really grew anything before so wish us look.  The camera ran out before I managed to take a few snaps of the seeds.

I quickly charged it in the house to show you the frittata I cooked for tomorrow's lunch boxes.  They are so simple to make and amazingly tasty.  This one had left over ham, cheese, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms and onions in it.  Started on the simmering plate then once the eggs had started to firm slightly I popped it in to the roasting oven for 5 minutes.  Delicious!

Also, we're expecting 3 new family members on Friday.  Sshhhh, don't tell anyone yet.


  1. How exciting 3 new family members I can't wait to met them.

    1. Me too!!! I will post pics as soon as they arrive.

  2. The frittata looks delicious. Not only are they simple and nutritious, you are fortunate enough to have your own supply of eggs on hand.

    1. We had it cold in the packed lunches and it tasted even better cold. This is going on the weekly "use up of odds and sods" list. A firm keeper.

  3. I'm looking forward to more photos : )

  4. Sounds as though the hens are settling in well! xx


week 17 w/c 22 April Just photos :)

April 22, 2024 - Week 17